Monday, May 22, 2006

Nintendo 的回歸

我不是任天堂迷,紅白機、Mario、Zelda …… 統統不是我的回憶。第一隻玩的 TV Games 應該是 SEGA 的 Nights,當時因為誤交損友,他慷慨地借出遊戲機連多隻遊戲,自始便踏上打機的不歸路。 Tomb Raider、BioHazard、三國無雙、FF、Kingdom Hearts……最愛玩 ARPG。

因為打機而結交多了朋友,跟他們提任天堂便像在談老朋友一樣,眼神中總帶有7分回憶與3分可惜,我因為是中途出家,未有受 Nintendo 的洗禮,自然不明箇中感受。我曾經歷過的主機角力賽由任天堂N64、世嘉 Saturn、Sony PS 開始,接著三家便在主機功能、速度、畫面質素,以致是手製設計上競爭,忘記了是 PS2還是世嘉DreamCast 先出,當年 PS2 在日本排隊爭購的場面已告訴大家 : Sony 贏了! 雖然有首個3G遊戲 «莎木» 的小勝,DreamCast 的市場佔有率仍低,世嘉因此決定離場。在兵荒馬亂的日子Nintendo依舊慢半拍地推出 GameCube ,幸好有鎮店之寶 Zelda、Mario 等遊戲令一班熟客仍眷顧,但看公司的業績報告已知道主要收入來源已非賣 GameCube。奇才 Bill Gates 入市 TV Games market 真是藝高人膽大,但 X-box 巨大得像個黑色冷氣機,對它我是零盼望的。

PS3 繼續在 Home Entertainment 的層面上加強,令它變成超級主機,不錯有更大容量的Blu-ray光碟,有更高解像度的畫面,彷彿已不再是遊戲主機,以$4000-$5000(預計售價) 一部來說實在太貴,而且遊戲機暢銷與否有時並不決定在自已的功能多寡強弱,究竟會有幾多高質素的遊戲配合才最重要。任天堂這回似乎學乖了,沒有跟 Sony Microsoft 鬥快鬥勁,只直接大聲地宣告 : 遊戲機帶給大家的應該是很好玩的遊戲經驗才是。新主機 Wii發揮了手製的多用性,打機不再只是“禁禁禁”,看過它 website 的 demo video 才知道它可以是指揮棒、Golf 球杆、魚杆、砰紙機的手柄...... 看來要儲錢買 Wii 了。

Sony 與 Nintendo 的埋身戰雖然未開始,但高興 Wii 贏了先聲奪人的一仗。


At Monday, May 22, 2006 11:19:00 AM, Blogger Ka Lok said...

據聞有個Wii Game係扮外科醫生做手術,用Wii個手掣做手術刀割人。

At Monday, May 22, 2006 3:12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

我早前也看過demo 了,我覺得可以慳番d 錢唔去做 fit型 22 或買 OSIM UZAP,因為你的手一揮,已可做各類運動了!

At Tuesday, May 23, 2006 2:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At Friday, May 26, 2006 10:34:00 AM, Blogger Ka Lok said...


Sometimes the Voice of the Customer isn't the one you should be listening to. Here's a quote from an article in Time magazine about Nintendo's product development (via the Signal vs Noise blog):

Nintendo has grasped two important notions that have eluded its competitors. The first is, Don’t listen to your customers. The hard-core gaming community is extremely vocal — they blog a lot — but if Nintendo kept listening to them, hard-core gamers would be the only audience it ever had. “[Wii] was unimaginable for them,” Iwata says. “And because it was unimaginable, they could not say that they wanted it. If you are simply listening to requests from the customer, you can satisfy their needs, but you can never surprise them. Sony and Microsoft make daily-necessity kinds of things. They have to listen to the needs of the customers and try to comply with their requests. That kind of approach has been deeply ingrained in their minds.

The point is, I guess, that sometimes listening to the voice of the customer can be like listening to an echo chamber that reinforces things you already know, or are inclined to hear. A little counterexample for all those VoC fanatics out there...


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